Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Methods for using computer training facilities in studies of special disciplines

10/02/2016 2016 - #03 Personnel training

Tashlykov O.L. Shcheklein S.E. Titov G.P. Nosov D.A. Tuchkov A.M.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2016.3.07

UDC: 621.039

The paper considers the practical use of computer training facilities in training of personnel for nuclear power industry and their role in forming professional and special professional competences of graduating students.

The Ural Federal University’s Department of Nuclear Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources possesses special training facilities for training of personnel for nuclear power plants with fast neutron reactors. Software tools and simulators, such as GEFEST, Joker and Syntes codes, a BN-800 analytical simulator and others, are heavily involved in the training process. A variety of computer-aided simulation systems is used by students for research projects.

The paper considers the structure and the components of the BN-800 training system used for training in control of the power unit’s reactor and turbine department processes. It also describes process control techniques and the reactor and NPP process control and visualization tools. Mathematical models are described, which are used for real-time modeling and simulation of the power unit’s neutronic, thermal-physical and thermal-hydraulic processes.

The use of the analytical simulator is illustrated by a laboratory research project entitled «BN-800 Reactor Power Maneuvering», which investigates the reactor facility power control modes in a power range of 100 – 80 – 100% of the rated power.


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  14. Bel’tukov A.I., Karpenko A.I., Poluyaktov S.A., Tashlykov O.L., Titov G.P., Tuchkov A.M., Shcheklein S.E. Atomnye elektrostantsii s reaktorami na bystrykh neytronakh s natriyevym teplonositelem [Nuclear power plants with fast neutron sodium cooled reactors]. In 2 parts, part 1. Ed. S.Ye. Shcheklein, O.L. Tashlykov. Yekaterinburg. Ural Federal University Publ., 2013, v. 1, 548 p. (in Russian).

nuclear power industry nuclear power system fast neutron reactor personnel training analytical simulator

Link for citing the article: Tashlykov O.L., Shcheklein S.E., Titov G.P., Nosov D.A., Tuchkov A.M. Methods for using computer training facilities in studies of special disciplines. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2016, no. 3, pp. 63-72; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2016.3.07 (in Russian).