The dependence of the nuclide composition of the fuel core loaing from multiplying and breeding properties of the nuclear facility KLT-40S
3/28/2016 2016 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors
Baybakov D.F. Godovykh A.V. Martynov I.S. Nesterov V.N.
UDC: 621.039.543
The paper describes a method of determining the effective neutron multiplication factor and the factor of reproduction of nuclear fuel for KLT-40S in the operating parameters.
The main design features of the reactor necessary for the calculation. It is shown that the type of reproducing nuclides has virtually no effect on the formation of the spectrum of the neutron flux density. The contributions of each group of neutrons in the fission reaction rate at the design fissile nuclide content of 18.6%. The dependence of the average values of the macroscopic fission crosssections, for the absorption of fissile nuclides and radiation capture nuclides to reproduce the content of the fissile nuclide in nuclear fuel. Averaging carried out on sections of the spectrum of the neutron flux density.
As a result, obtained according to the effective neutron multiplication factor and the coefficient of the nuclear fuel reproduction of the content of the fissile isotope for different fuel compositions of uranium and thorium cycles at the beginning of the campaign KLT-40S.
It is shown that in terms of the effective multiplication factor when the content of the fissile isotope than 5% the best result of the composition 232Th + 233U, 5% – of the composition 238U + 239Pu.
From the point of view of the reproduction rate while the content of the fissile isotope to 10% of the best results in the composition 232Th + 235U, over 10% of its value is relatively the same for compositions 232Th + 233U, 232Th + 235U and 238U + 235U.
Thus, the most effective in the beginning of the campaign is the fuel composition 232Th + 233U to 233U nuclide content of more than 5% due to very high values of the effective neutron multiplication factor.
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KLT-40S the effective multiplication factor reproduction rate the uranium fuel cycle thorium fuel cycle
Link for citing the article: Baybakov D.F., Godovykh A.V., Martynov I.S., Nesterov V.N. The dependence of the nuclide composition of the fuel core loaing from multiplying and breeding properties of the nuclear facility KLT-40S. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2016, no. 2, pp. 99-111; DOI: (in Russian).