Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Experimental researches of local hydrodynamics of coolant in PWR FA-Kvadrat using different mixing grids

10/23/2015 2015 - #03 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics

Dmitriev S.M. Borodin S.S. Varentsov A.V. Legchanov M.A. Sorokin V.D. Khrobostov A.E.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2015.3.07

UDC: 621.039

There are results of experimental researches of local hydrodynamic characteristics of the coolant flow in the fuel assemblies PWR reactors using different mixing grids. The characteristics and patterns of coolant flow in the FA-Kvadrat with different types of mixing grids identified in the course of the experiments. The analysis of the spatial distribution of the projections of the absolute flow rate detailed picture of coolant flow for mixing grid with the installation of the three types of deflectors. There have been found the optimal design of the deflector for mixing FA-Kvadrat spacer grids in the standard cell and in the field guide channels. The results of the study of the local hydrodynamics of the coolant flow in the FA-KVADRAT adopted for practical using in «OKBM Africantov» in assessing the reliability of heat engineering PWR reactor cores and included in the database of verification of the computational fluid dynamics software (CFD-code) and detailed calculation of the PWR reactor’s core.


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  2. Barinov A.A., Borodina V.E., Dmitriev S.M., Khrobostov A.E. K voprosu o metodologii obosnovaniya teplotehnicheskoy nadezhnosti aktivnyih zon vodyanyih energeticheskih reaktorov [On the issue of core cooling reliability substantiation methodology for the pressurized water reactors]. Trudy Nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta im. R.E. Alekseeva. 2014. no. 2, pp. 98-108 (in Russian).
  3. Dmitriev S.M., Doronkov D.V., Pronin A.N., Solntsev D.N., Sorokin V.D., Khrobostov A.E. Raschetno-eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya gidrodinamiki i massoobmena teplonositelya za distancioniruychey rechetkoy teplovydelyuchey sborki reactora plavuchego energobloka [Combined numerical and experimental investigations of hydrodynamics and coolant flow mass transfer out of spacer grid in fuel assemblies of floating power unit]. Izvestia vuzov. Yadernaya energetika. 2014. no. 4, pp. 60-70 (in Russian).
  4. Varentsov A.V., S.M.Dmitriev S.M., Dobrov A.A., Solntsev D.N., Khrobostov A.E. Eksperimentalnyie i raschetnyie issledovaniya gidrodinamiki i massoobmena potoka teplonositelya v modeli TVS reaktora KLT-40S [Experimental and numerical researches of hydrodynamics and mass transfer of coolant flow in experimental model of KLT-40S reactor fuel assembly]. Nauchno&tehnicheskiy vestnik Povolzh’ya. 2013, no. 3, pp. 114-119 (in Russian).
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  6. Dmitriev S.M., Borodin S.S., Legchanov M.A., Solntsev D.N., Sorokin V.D., Khrobostov A.E. Osobennosti lokalnoy gidrodinamiki i massoobmena teplonositelya v TVS reaktorov VVER i PWR s peremeshivayuschimi reshetkami [Features of local hydrodynamics and mass exchange of the heat-carrier in fuel rod assemblies of VVER and PWR with mixing grids]. Teplovyie processy v tehnike. 2013, v.5 (iss. 3), pp. 98-107 (in Russian).
  7. Borodin S.S., Dmitriev S.M., Legchanov M.A., Solntsev D.N., Sorokin V.D., Khrobostov A.E. Eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya gidrodinamicheskih i massoobmennyih harakteristik potoka teplonositelya v TVSA VVER [Experimental studies of hydrodynamic and mass-transfer properties of coolant flow in VVER fuel assemblies TVSA]. Atomnaya energiya. 2012, v. 113 (iss. 5), pp. 252-257 (in Russian).
  8. Dmitriev S.M., Varentsov A.V., Doronkov D.V., Dobrov A.A., Legchanov M.A., Khrobostov A.E. Issledovaniya lokalnoy gidrodinamiki i massoobmena potoka teplonositelya v raione napravlyuchich kanalov teplovydeliauchich sborok reactorov PWR [Researches of local hydrodynamics and mass-transfer flow of coolant in guide channels area PWR FA-KVADRAT]. Promychlennay energetika. 2013, no. 12, pp. 45-50 (in Russian).

nuclear reactor fuel assembly the coolant flow hydrodynamic heat and mass transferal mixing grid

Link for citing the article: Dmitriev S.M., Borodin S.S., Varentsov A.V., Legchanov M.A., Sorokin V.D., Khrobostov A.E. Experimental researches of local hydrodynamics of coolant in PWR FA-Kvadrat using different mixing grids. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2015, no. 3, pp. 63-72; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2015.3.07 (in Russian).