Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Application of zonality conceptual model of chronic effects of ionizing radiation for studying the behavior of radiostrontium in terrestrial ecosystems

9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Environmental aspects

Shoshina R.R. Lavrentyeva G.V. Synzynys B.I.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2015.2.15

UDC: 504.

The study of the behavior of radionuclides Sr-90 in the system of «soil-plants-shell clams» on biotope regional radioactive waste storage was conducted. The purpose of the work was to examine the possibility of applying of conceptual model zonality of a chronic action of ionizing radiation in natural populations in the study of of behavior of radiostrontium in terrestrial ecosystems and in identifying radioecological zones of the biological action of a chronic exposure to ionizing radiation of the mollusc population based on of the biogeochemical regularities of technogenic migration of Sr-90 in the system «soil-plant-molluscs». The study was conducted at the experimental terrytory presented biotope of the regional radioactive waste storage. Selected samples of soil, plant material (Urtica dioica) and molluscs (snails shrub) have analyzed using the method of radiochemical separation followed by measuring the activity of the radionuclide on the scintillation spectrometer «BETA-01C». Calculation of annual doses of external beta-irradiated tissues molluscs by Sr-90 and its subsidiary radionuclide Y-90 contained in the shells, using the formula Levinger and Marinelli.

Thus, found that the dose rates of molluscs Bradybaena Fruticicola fruticum vary within 0,03-1,60 Gy/year. Based on the obtained dose rates of irradiation was performed structuring of the experimental data on the specific activity of Sr-90 in the studied system with regard of the zonality conceptual model of chronic effects of ionizing radiation, G.G.Polikarpov. In the studied area it is possible to determine the identity local sites of research in three ecological zones: a zone of physiological masking, a zone of ecological masking, a zone of explicit environmental effects. The specific activities of Sr-90 in mollusc shells regularly change in ecological zones. In connection with this in addition with the previously applied variative parameters within the conceptual model can be adapted and biogeochemical regularities and indicators of migration of Sr-90 in terrestrial ecosystems.


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Sr-90 mollusc Bradybaena Fruticicola fruticum ecological zone the dose rate land cover

Link for citing the article: Shoshina R.R., Lavrentyeva G.V., Synzynys B.I. Application of zonality conceptual model of chronic effects of ionizing radiation for studying the behavior of radiostrontium in terrestrial ecosystems. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2015, no. 2, pp. 143-151; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2015.2.15 (in Russian).