Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Comparison of fuel cycles characteristics for nuclear energy systems based on VVER-TOI and BN-1200 reactors

12/29/2014 2014 - #04 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management

Kagramanian V.S. Kalashnikov A.G. Kapranova E.N. Puzakov A.Yu.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2014.4.10

UDC: 621.039.526

The aim is to determine the characteristics of the fuel cycle (FC) based on stationary nuclear power system based on VVER0TOI and BN01200 reactors with fuel of different composition. Characteristics of reactor systems with partial or complete SNF reprocessing and recycling of plutonium are compared to those of the reference system consisting only of VVER0TOI with uranium oxide fuel, operating in an open FC.

The following characteristics of the system are considered: – reactor shares (VVER0TOI with uranium oxide fuel, VVER0TOI with partial loading of MOX0fuel, BN01200); – share of MOX0fuel assemblies in VVER reactors; – consumption of natural uranium; – plutonium content into MOX0 VVER0TOI and BN01200 fuel; – accumulation of spent nuclear fuel, plutonium and MA.

For systems with a fully closed fuel cycle, a condition of complete balance of plutonium production and consumption was set. Solving equations of the balance of plutonium in the system in this case is determined by iteration.

It is shown that in a system consisting only of VVER0TOI, complete closure of FC with plutonium multiple recycling is impossible. With multiple recycling, plutonium isotopic composition in this system is strongly degraded. Therefore, the required content of plutonium in MOX fuel far exceeds the amount of the permissible conditions of negative void reactivity effect. Introduction BN01200 fast neutron reactors to the system in addition to VVER0TOI with partial loading of MOX0fuel is used to stop the degradation of the isotopic composition of plutonium in its multiple recycling and to ensure that the value of plutonium in MOX0VVER0TOI does not exceed the safety margin. As a result, consumption of natural uranium is reduced 2.6 times compared with the reference system, with no accumulation of spent fuel and plutonium in the system.


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nuclear energy systems VVER-TOI BN-1200 fuel cycles plutonium recycle minor actinides accumulation

Link for citing the article: Kagramanian V.S., Kalashnikov A.G., Kapranova E.N., Puzakov A.Yu. Comparison of fuel cycles characteristics for nuclear energy systems based on VVER-TOI and BN-1200 reactors. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2014, no. 4, pp. 92-101; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2014.4.10 (in Russian).