Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Chemical decomposition of water into hydrogen in heterogeneous aluminium-containing compositions

12/29/2014 2014 - #04 Nuclear materials

Milinchuk V.K. Belozerov V.I. Anan’eva O.A. Laricheva T.E. Kunitsyna T.E.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2014.4.04

UDC: 620.9+544(075)

The aim of this work was to investigate the kinetic regularities and mechanism of chemical decomposition of water into hydrogen in heterogeneous hydro"reactive systems containing aluminum, aluminum alloys, and such chemical compounds as liquid sodium glass or quicklime giving water solution alkaline properties. The installation for studying the process of hydrogen generation in the temperature range from room temperature to 90 °С includes a thermostat and a reaction flask equipped with a tube to drain through the water in the measuring vessel formed of hydrogen. Endothermic decomposition of water into hydrogen in heterogeneous compositions containing aluminum and liquid sodium glass is based on hydrolysis of silicate salt, the reaction of sodium hydroxide with a thin surface film of aluminum oxide Al2O3, and the reaction of the recovery of hydrogen from water activated alumina. In the aluminum – quicklime composition, exothermic hydrogen generation involves removal of the protective oxide layer in the reaction of calcium oxide with aluminum oxide, the formation of hydroalumination calcium and activated aluminum interaction with water. The rate of formation and yield of hydrogen depend on the ratio of rate constants of the competing reactions of lime slaking and removal from the surface of the aluminum oxide film. Heterogeneous composition generates hydrogen, provided that the removal rate of the oxide film was greater than the speed of slaked lime, which is achieved by selecting the optimal ratio of aluminum, quicklime and water which should be enough to participate in the process of calcium oxide slaking in reactions with aluminum oxide and activated aluminum. The maximum hydrogen yield in the compositions containing the optimal ratio of metal, liquid sodium glass or quicklime is 1.2 liters of hydrogen per 1 g of aluminum.


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water hydrogen aluminum aluminum alloy aluminum oxide calcium oxide liquid sodium glass burnt lime

Link for citing the article: Milinchuk V.K., Belozerov V.I., Anan’eva O.A., Laricheva T.E., Kunitsyna T.E. Chemical decomposition of water into hydrogen in heterogeneous aluminium-containing compositions. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2014, no. 4, pp. 32-40; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2014.4.04 (in Russian).