Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Experimental Study of Flow Hydrodynamics Lead Coolant and Water through the Experimental Section «Throttle Clearance-Ring

5/29/2012 2012 - #01 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics

Beznosov A.V. Antonenkov M.A. Bokova T.A. Yarmonov M.V. Makhov K.A. Molodtsov A.A.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2012.1.10

UDC: 621.039.534

A research and comparison of the hydraulic characteristics of the water and lead coolant (T = 400–500°С) flow in the system of local hydraulic resistances «throttle-annular gap» have been done at the Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. During the experiments the magnitude of the relative clearance (2Д/d = 0,018; 0,036; 0,056) was varied with the static and rotated shaft. The average speed inside the annular gap ranged between 0,01 and 0,1 m/sec, the coolant was saturated with the oxygen.

A slider bearing working in the medium of the heavy liquid metal coolants is one of the main elements which influence the efficiency of the main circulating pumps in the reactor loops with HLMC.

The operating efficiency of the slider bearing is mainly determined with the correct choice of its constructive relation: a relative annular gap, relative width, angle of contact.

The results of the experimental research have shown that the difference between hydraulic characteristics of water and HLMC coolants in the experimental plot «throttle-annular gap» exists. It makes the usage of the traditional lubricating fluid in the methods of analysis of the hydrostatic sliding bearings for the pumps in the HLMC incorrect.

Link for citing the article: Beznosov A.V., Antonenkov M.A., Bokova T.A., Yarmonov M.V., Makhov K.A., Molodtsov A.A. Experimental Study of Flow Hydrodynamics Lead Coolant and Water through the Experimental Section «Throttle Clearance-Ring. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2012, no. 1, pp. 80-90; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2012.1.10 (in Russian).